2021.09.08 - Product Release Notes

Product release notes from 8th September 2021

We update our application regularly so that we can make it better for you. 
In addition to general bug fixes and performance enhancements, you can read all about our latest updates in these release notes.

Bulk Weigh Weighbridge Updates Saleyard Users Many design updates to enhance user functionally, increase automation & reduce potential error opportunities N/A
Saleyard Pen Sorting Saleyard Users Saleyard Users now can sort pens across agencies to provide an end-to-end selling order N/A
3rd Party API Updates 3rd Party integrators Sort order configured by Saleyard Users is now reflected in the API leveraged by 3rd Party intergrators N/A
3rd Party (Commission) Buyers Saleyard Users, Livestock Agents & Buyers A 3rd party buyer purchasing on behalf of one or more purchasers can now receive a tailored email for each purchase made. N/A
Logos, Logos, Logos All Users The ability to attach many logos, avatars or thumbnail images for Saleyards, Agents or Feature Sale Logos to various areas of the Application and show these logos in the desired locations, such as Pre/Post Sale Reports, Sale Watcher etc. N/A
Sticky Agent Filters Saleyard Users The ability to filter a view by a single agency and that filter to stick as the user browses across various tabs. N/A
Add Bidder Number Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents Bidder number added to Sale Lots Buyer View when registered bidders are used N/A
Advanced Drafting Livestock Agents Keep the main Breed in sync with Advanced Drafting Breed when sale in interfaced with a 3rd Party N/A
Reports & Outputs
Agent Sale Report - Stud Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents A new PDF report to display bidder numbers when Bidder Registration is in use. N/A
Outward Movement Report (Weighbill) Saleyard Users, Livestock Agents & Buyers Further updates to Outward Movement Report to enhance readability  N/A
Torus/ EQXData file Machinery Users New file for Machinery Users  
  Livestock Agents New file for Open Auctions with weights  
  Livestock Agents New file for Stud Sales with registered bidders  
AgriNous Sale XML Livestock Agents New XML file to bring in weight data for Open Auction sales where weights are recorded (species agnostic) N/A
Sale Lots CSV Export  Machinery Users Buyers Premium & Vendor Commission Values are correctly represented in the export as they are shown on screen N/A
Pesky Bugs Resolved
Buyer Way Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents Update to clear the previous buyer way on a buyer change via the Bulk Update function N/A
PIC Name Suggestions Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents Updates to behaviours and displays to how a PIC name is suggested if blank N/A
NO SALE Lots missing from consignment balance bar Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents Updated to Consignment balance bar to better reflect NO SALE lots. N/A
Copy/Move/Duplicate Lot Machinery Users Updates to performance when copy/move/duplicating lots N/A
Agent Vendor Details Report Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents The report can now run for Vendors that have not drafted any sale lots. N/A
Edit/Delete Default PICs Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents Users can now delete or update default PICs when a Business only has 1 PIC N/A
Ring Selling Salewatcher updates Sale Watcher Make text bigger N/A
Mob Based Movement Rednering corrected Saleyard Users Rendering in some browsers resulted in a misaligned screen for NLIS transactions N/A
US Presale Report Saleyard Users & Livestock Agents Allow EU reports to run even when some animals are still waiting for information from NLIS N/A