2022.01.29 - P1 Product Release Notes

Our first big product release for 2022 which includes some really exciting new features such as Checkpoints, Global Search and a new look Audit Log. Read all about what's included below.


The Big Stuff
WHAT: Global Search
WHO: All user roles

  • A new top-tier feature, our 'Global Search' feature is now available. This search will sit at the top of each page on mobile and desktop, and enable precise filtering on one or many objects and persistents over any page.
  • All existing filters have been added to the Global search for its initial release but expect many more filters to become available soon.
WHAT: Checkpoints
WHO: Saleyards & Livestock Agents
  • A checkpoint is a timestamp that saves the position of the sale. This will help identify any changes that occur after the checkpoint, compliance or commercial. Checkpoints are located on the overview screen, with compliance and commercial change since icons, visual awareness is also displayed on the sale dropdown.
  • Checkpoints can be created automatically (on NLIS take/Sell or Financial export), or manually by a user at any time. This will be a significant step forward in helping saleyards & agents identify changes during and post-sale. Read more here.
WHAT: Detailed Audit Log
WHO: All user roles

  • From high demand we have released a refurbished Audit Log, that is much easier on the eyes. No longer full of unreadable info messages. The Audit log is now displayed with valuable descriptions that will go a long way in providing evidence of who, when and what got changed.
  • The detailed audit log has been updated across all fields e.g Consignment logs, Sale lot logs and EID logs. Read more here.
More advancements
Performance improvements All user roles Reduced workload on prefetching images, scans and changes since.
Dentition not required for green A+ assessment  Saleyards & Livestock Agents Dentition has been removed from the advanced drafting requirement to turn the A+ logo green.
Allow sale XML import over partial data entry Livestock Agents Now have the ability to import a sale XML file over the top of a partially complete sale.
Report Updates
Vendor Detail Report Machinery/Clearing Sale Able to produce single vendor detail reports, previously produced all vendors.
Buyer Detail Report Machinery/Clearing Sale Able to produce single buyer detail reports, previously produced all buyers.
Bug Fixes
ERP PIC status  All user roles Additional properties causing ERP PIC checks to fail.
EID weight doubling Saleyards & Livestock Agents Weights double up if the animal is scanned into a different lot and then returned to its original lot.
Rotate saved image Saleyards & Livestock Agents Couldn't rotate and save an image after it has been mapped.
Overflow pens not displaying Saleyards & Livestock Agents Overflow pens not displaying in portrait mode on phone, have to rotate.
And many more....