2022.03.29 - P3 Product Release Notes

Our latest product release with lots of new features and functions added, read below to find out more.

The Big Stuff
WHAT: Two way Xero contact sync
WHO:  Livestock Agents

Contacts/Businesses contained in Xero can now be mapped to a Contact in AgriNous.

A contact in AgriNous can now be created in Xero directly

WHO: Livestock Agents & Saleyards

The ability for Saleyard Users to manually trigger a PIC Program NLIS call.

Users can now re-check a PIC status for vendors that have made changes since consigning animals into a sale.
WHAT: User Management
WHO:  Livestock Agents, Saleyard & Bobby Calf Users.


A new top-tier feature, Administrator Users can now manage their own team, create access for new or remove departed team members.

WHAT: Split Lots & Marks
WHO: Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users
When using the 'Split' function, users can now add a mark to the newly created lot, this will continue to copy the 'General Drafting' information, but also provide the user with the ability to drop a mark on to the new lot straight away! 
WHAT: Nominations
WHO: Livestock Agents & Saleyears
A new top-tier feature for Saleyards & Livestock Agents that is currently under a limited test group, we are collating feedback and continually refining. Give us a call if you are keen to see this feature in a demo capacity. 
WHAT: eNVD Inbox
WHO: Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users

A new top-tier feature for Saleyards & Livestock Agents that is currently under a limited test group, we are collating feedback and continually refining. Give us a call if you are keen to see this feature in a demo capacity. 

WHAT: Invoice To
WHO:  Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users


A new field on the Buyer Bulk Update, allowing Livestock Agents to update the commercial party attached to the sale of livestock where this Business may be different to the "Buying" entity.

Livestock Agency X Brim
 purchases cattle from many agent companies at a Saleyard sale on behalf of Buyer A.

For consistency, clarity & reporting, all purchases are sold to Livestock Agency X Brim.

Some of the purchases made by Livestock Agency X Brim, were purchased off a fellow company branch Livestock Agency Glass Hill, Livestock Agency Glass Hill would insert Buyer A into the 'INVOICE TO' field if they were billing the client directly. This would change the import codes in Livestock Agency Glass Hill's files so that their processing system had the correct Invoicing entity (Buyer A)

More advancements
WHAT: WHO: Details:
Auctions Plus Cattle  Livestock Agents Adjustments to validation on Auctions Plus interfaced Cattle sales.
Weighbridge Filtering Saleyard Operators Updates to weighbridge filtering to provide space for the Global Search function.
Xero Contact Column Livestock Agents Add Xero Contact column for Clearing Sales, Private Sales & Hooks transactions. 
User Invitation & Awareness Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users More accurate information on user invitation & correct awareness as to the status of a user invitation. 
Add reserve price to Paddock Sales Livestock Agents Ability to add a reserve price to a Paddock sale for List2Sell.
Add Bidder Number to Buyer Way Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users When using the Registered Bidders feature the buyer name was always shown alongside the Buyer Name, this was no good if a buyer had multiple buyer ways, Now the Bidder Number is shown on each Buyer Way.
Advanced Search & Filtering (formally known as Global Search) Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users Many new search & filtering options have been added. Such as Receival Pen, Agency, Vendor Number & more. See more here.
Report Updates
Landscape Booking Card Livestock Agents Booking card showing default PIC not consignment PIC for vendors.
Stud Stock Reports Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users
  • Sale Totals
  • Buyer Totals
  • Buyer Purchase Receipt
  • Delivery Report
  • Registered Buyers List
Agent Saleyard Fees Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users New report for sites using rule builder tool
Vendor Saleyard Fees Livestock Agents & Saleyard Users New report for sites using rule builder tool
Bug Fixes
Copy Lot Machinery Users Creation of consignment failing.
Incorrect Emails Livestock Agents Incorrect email address in reports header.
And much more...