2022.12.16 - P12 Product Release Notes

Scheduled for Release on Friday 16th December, it is our last release for the year containing updates, bug fixes and improvements.


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Agents Billing Workflow A billing workflow has been built with a sequence to help users transition through the process of sending tax invoices and RCTI's and then importing the General Ledger information into their accounting package
Agents Vendor Splits Warnings A warning is now displayed for the balancing of split lots
Agents Account Sale (Vendor) Report Vendor RCTI's buit fit for purpose and ready to send to your vendors with all industry fees, charges and calculations as per our rule books. 
Agents Tax Invoice (Buyer) Report Buyer Tax Invoices buit fit for purpose and ready to send to your Buyers with all industry fees, charges and calculations as per our rule books. 


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Agents & Saleyards Stud Reports Sub Tab When a sale has a stud sub-type, a new reporting tab will be available called 'STUD' containing all stud reports.
Agents & Saleyards Sell to Bidder from Quick Sell The Quick Sell feature now allows for the entry of a Bidder Number
Agents & Saleyards Sell to Bidder from Edit Lot You can now sell to a Bidder Number from the Edit Lot or Bulk Update Buyer screens
Agents Updates to Agent Sale Report A buyer's address & phone number now is in the same cell as the buyer, the font size has been increased, and the tag # has been added to the breed, sex & name field.
Agents & Saleyards Updates to Delivery Report - STUD Font size has been increased, or the number is shown followed by the pen number in brackets, and breed & sex has been removed.
Agents & Saleyards Show Bidder # on Pens Screen You can now see the bidder number next to a sold pen on the pens screen
Agents & Saleyards Hardcode Bidder Detail Report The Bidder Detail Report can now be favourited and accessed from the 3 dots on the buyer's screen for a quicker checkoff process!
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Saleyards Weighbridge Live Scanning The scanning % now displays on the weighbridge before 'Save EID's' is hit.
All Users Delete Labels Added the rubbish bin 'delete' on labels
Agents & Saleyards Market Report - By Breed A new market report - by breed is now available
Agents & Saleyards Handle Goat NVD's A goat NVD is now able to mapped from the NVD mapping screen for Goat & Sheep Sales
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Agents & Saleyards GST Status & Hobby Farm Locked Fix to enable users to correctly use the hobby farmer toggle and select the GST Status
Agents  Nomination Term Order Nomination terms are fixed to display in the correct order on the create form
Bobby Calf Take/Sell Overview Numbers Fix for incorrect take/sell numbers displaying on the overview screen
Agents & Saleyards Adv Drafting Decimal Headcounts Fix to the advanced drafting head counts, removing the decimal places