2023.03.04 - P2 Product Release Notes

Good things come to those who wait. Unfortunately, this release was a week delayed due to testing feedback and our commitment to getting it right before we let it go.

Pathway to billing & accounting
Who What Details 
Livestock Agents Buyer XML import upgrades Widening the acceptance criteria for varying industry XML file imports for External Agents Sales. 
Livestock Agents Uplift to Vendor Commission management Tidy up of the Vendor Commission settings tab making it easier to use. 
Livestock Agents Accounts user type New user type for Billing document sending (RCTI/Tax Invoice).
Livestock Agents Billing document letterheads Two new options when setting up your letterhead for RCTI & Tax Invoice documents.
Livestock Agents Xero CSV upgrades Adding new fields and adjusting alignment on others - Now there is more data coming across from AgriNous to Xero and its in the right place. 
Livestock Agents Postal Address wins  If the billing document has both a physical & postal address saved in the setting the Documents will use the Postal address.
Livestock Agents Dates... The formatting of dates in the documents and the emails sending them have been audited and aligned to AU formatting. 
Livestock Agents Static PDF's We are now sending PDF documents as opposed to magic links for Billing documents only - this will be gradually upgraded across the system. 
Livestock Agents Sticky billing runs Clearing the last rule book from the cache when switching sales. 
Other new features & functions
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Livestock Agents Market Report for Sheep Estimated weight Prime Sheep Sales: when users enter an Est. Avg. Wt. and Dressing % for sheep we are now showing this as a live market report in the Sale Lots table. 
Livestock Agents Age By Dentition Enterprise clients only: Allowing a further granular market for Age for both Cattle & Sheep for deeper data analysis
Livestock Agents Age By Dentition Enterprise clients only: Exception reports for missing dentition data. 
Bugs Resolved & Reports updates
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All users Performance optimisations

- Infrastructure upgrades

- Many API optimisations to make loading faster... and we are not done yet! 

Livestock Agents & Saleyards Decimal points after a split Resolve bug where the sale lots would end up with decimal points on head counts when a split action was performed. 
Livestock Agents & Saleyards Alternate Vendor Summary Report for sorting by Agent Ref New report sorting by Agent Ref.
Livestock Agents & Saleyards EID Summary Report Updates were made to resolve a bug in this report for sorting. 
All users AgGrid Updates The spreadsheet layout views of AgriNous have been updated to the latest version. 
Saleyards  Singleweigh upgrades Performance enhancements have been made to the single weigh with deeper insights added to the audit log also.