2023.05.27 - P5 -Product Release Notes

What a whopper! This is a massive update with a stack of performance updates, new features & bug fixes.

Pathway to Billing & Accounting:
What: Details:
AGRINOUSE > XERO TRANSACTION SENDING Premium users can now sync transactions over to Xero without a spreadsheet! 
SALE DASHBOARD The first cut of our new Sales management dashboard, this is just the start of your new AgentNous Hub
Quiery Xero Tax & Leger Status' When sending transactions from AgriNous to Xero we will firstly check to ensure that the GL & accompanying destination (Xero) settings are setup.
Addition of AgriNous SaleID into the Xero reference field The addition of the AgriNous Sale ID in the Xero Reference field unlocks the ability to untilse native Xero searching and filtering functions for reporting and analysis purposes. 
Editing of Billing Document Status', Due Dates & Numbers Users can now edit the billing document status, due date and document number now if needed.
Improved GST information in Sundry fields When entering in Sundry sale charges it is important to handle the GST correctly, these changes in design provide a more intuitive insite into managing the GST status when entering a Sundry charge for a Vendor, Buyer or 3rd Party.
Freeze/ Finalise a billing run Users can now Feeze/ Finailise/ Finish a billing run, this action stops the system from looking (& reporting) any changes that may be applicable if gross data is adjusted. Un Finishing a sale will then trigger a recheck if warranted.  
Expose more information for document descriptions Primarly for Stud invoicing, additional fields have been exposed for use when creating Document Descriptions - these are Tag # & Animal Name
Multi-Sale (EOM) Reports uplift Changes to the report generator to make it easier for users to obtain the report that require - This includes a "Last Month" option for Date Range, Time has been removed from the Date Picker, Multi-Select has been added to the Sale Type & Sub Type fields.
Product Improvements & Features
All Users Single Sign-On Allowing users to sign in to AgriNous with Google/Microsoft credetials. 
Also adding Active Directory functionality for Enterprise clients. 
Livestock Agents & Saleyards Improved email deliverability Adding in a CC function (sending the sender a copy of what was sent) whenever they are sending an email - Heads up, you should set an automated filing system for this one!
Livestock Agents
(Nutrien Only)
Dentition updates Allows General drafting dentition options to be entered without an Age being required. Also, Auto-selecting a detention option when only one option is available. 
Livestock Agents
(Nutrien Only)
Manditory information Sheep Weight & Cattle/Sheep dentition information can be made mandiroty now, blocking the ability to download the Plazma file if missing data is present. Sale overview workflow has been improved to allow quick rectification. 
Saleyards Simultaneous NLIS Transfers Allow simultaneous NLIS transfers for improved speed and reliability.
Saleyards Price added to the weighbridge screen  For post-sale weighing, the price sole has been added to the lots top banner in the weighbridge screen for reference purposes. 
Livestock Agents & Saleyards Link an Address to a PIC then show on reports Users can now link an address to a PIC, when this takes place, the relevant reports have been updated to show the PIC address. 
Bugs Resolved
Saleyards Warnings  Remove warnings for Dention & Sheep Weights
Saleyards Goat MBMs Goat NVD questions are now submitted correctly for Goat MBM's
Machinery Users Vendor Commission Calcs Corrections in the maths for vendor commissions on Machinery sales. 
Livestock Agents & Saleyards Fix for delivery Head Count Resolution in the calculation of price when the delivery headcount is adjusted from the lot headcount. 
Livestock Agents & Saleyards Bulk Upload NVDs Fix for uploading bulk NVD's to prevent browser crashes.
Saleyards DPEN warning Reinstate DPEN warning for when a DPEN is reused. 
Livestock Agents & Saleyards Buyer PIC filter on Pens Screen Fix to resolve the issue on Pen Screen filtering for Buyer PICs
Saleyards Increse font size on reports Font size increased on Saleyard Delivery Report
All Users System performance improcements Optimise NLIS Programs.
Optimise PIC searches