2023.08.04 - P7 Product Release Notes

Another billing-focused release with numerous other platform improvements and bug fixes.

Pathway to Billing & Accounting:
CSV Export End of Month DPIE levies output for direct uploading to the Levies Online portal
Rounding Refinement

Further refinement to rounding functions to tighten up the methods and triggers for rounding out of the Rule Book and into the Xero outputs. 

New Document Uploads

Addition of 'Feedback/Kill Sheet' & 'Insurance Claim' as document upload types for sending with Billing Documents. - These documents are attached to the RCTI documents that are sent to the Vendor.

Debtor Insurance Turnover Report Addition of GST & Gross Value to the Debtor Insurance Turnover Report
Transaction Statements Transaction Statements for Billing Transactions (ONLY)
Product Improvements & Features
NLIS Deceased Animals Update to not show animals previously marked as DECEASED as an option to transfer though NLIS
Report Pre-Sale Catalogue - by Selling Pen Another custom report, this time a variation to the Pre-Sale Catalogue to sort the results by Selling Pen. 
Quick Sell No Sale function Improve the No Sale function to assign the Vendors PIC as the Destination PIC automatically. 
Bugs Resolved
Dashboard Shown for Buyers 'Add Sale' button has been intentionally removed. 
Bidder Purchase Summary (STUD) Bidder registered address Report was corrected to show the intended Address against the Business, not the system address. 
Consigned Users Reports Reinstate the reports tab for Consigning Users. 
Unit Price  Manual weight adjustment Fix to correct the recalculation command for the Unit Price when a manual weight is added for a C/Kg sale.