2023.09.27 - P9.1 Interim Release Notes

Updates to 3rd Party access, the 'Businesses' table performace, billing updates.



3rd Party Access

When the "3rd party" or "Invoice To" businesses are applied on Sale lots, they can now also gain access through the free business aka 'Buyers Portal'.

This unlocks a lot of potential for streamlining collaboration and information sharing between, commission buyers, agents and owners or farm managers. Not to mention the ability for Blackboxco customers to more easily access data for export / import at an EID level. 

Business Table In the last releasenotes, you may have read about the improved Contacts/Business Management Page. This had a couple of issues with the default view not being displayed and was also quite slow in some sutuations. This is now mostly resolved, we expect there will still be other opportunities to improve the load speed in upcoming releases.
Stud / Clearing Sale footer

For our Billing cutomers, there's now more options in the Agency Settings page to add specific footer for these sale types

Remittance Footer Improved some issues with how this was being displayed
Pending Changes In some situations pending changes can get blocked up - sometime resulting in substantial data loss. There is now a support process to help guide through and clear only the change that is causing the issue (e.g. updating a sale lot that has been deleted on a different device). This then will allow the other changes to flow through.