2023.11.25 - P11 Product Release Notes

Many new features, functions and fixes - continuously striving to make the system better for all.

AgentNous Updates
Money Table Updates Enhancements to grid grouping, filtering and viewing options for this universal tool 
Xero Connectivity

- Xero Marketplace readiness
- Attach (AgriNous RCTI/TI, NVD, Kill Sheet etc) documents to Xero transactions

Contacts/ Businesses CSV Export of Businesses limited to user roles (Admin)
Test Rules Users can now test a rule by pointing it at one or many sales and review the results in a CSV/Excel file.
Agent NLIS Non-Written Authority P2P transactions over API to NLIS.
Agent Sale XML  Apply the rounded value to the XML to enforce 3rd party system behaviour (that matches paperwork). 
CSV Sale Import Improvements to mapping functions. 
Emails Tables Improvements to performance and filtering.
Saleyard Updates
Auto-Multi-Select Lots  An update to the QuickSell functions 
Scan Weights VLE - Bulk select and update weights for multiple scans at once in the EIDs table. 
Sync All (Businesses) Improvements to the Sync All function that allows streamlined Business Management between an Agent and a Saleyard.
Nominate To updates Improvements to the Nomination process for 'Feeder Branch' workflows. 
Report Updates
Vendor Report Sending Fix for empty consignment email sending.
Buyer Purchase Check Increase font size
Landscape Booking Sheet Address minor cosmetic updates
Saleyard Delivery Report Increase font size
Stud Delivery Report - Address multi-page wrapping for large sales.
- Fix spacing between buyers.