2024.06.21 - P7 Product Release Notes

An interim release containing new features and fixes.

Billing, Rules & Rule Books
  • Add editable MYOB Customer/Supplier Card ID refs per Business for buy/sell transactions.
  • Signature can be set on a User level to populate Post Sale Summary & Way Bill reports. 
  • Agents with billing access can update some data points without jeopardising compliance.
  • Support Sundry Sale Sub-Types
  • Restrict inactive businesses from Vendor Split options.
  • Align NLIS transactions with appropriate sale types.
  • Improvements to editability for External Agent Sales. 
  • Access all booking/pen card Reports from Sale Reports in a new Tab
  • Add Brands to Businesses
  • Add a Brand to a Consignment
  • Add Brands when mapping NVD's
  • Add Brands to reports
  • Auto-populate the next Auction Pen number for saleyards using the  "+ PEN" feature.
  • Quick select by vendor number on the Pens tab to create a new sale lot
  • Allow setting of a reply-to-email address as the primary email for sending.
  • Improvements to Audit Log history.
  • Add configured signature to Way Bills & Post Sale Summary reports.
  • Improve location filtering for the Comprehensive Business Report
  • Ingest PIC Information from NLIS Database for use on location specific saleyard reports.
Reports & Bug Fixes
 Billing, Rules & Rule Books
  • Improvements to performance in Billing change syncing.
  • Improve loading of Interest Settings.
  • improvements to eContract email distribution.
  • Improvements to Bulk Actions for Selling pens that have been created without sale rounds.
  • Improvements to automated actions for "No Sale" lots in a multi-lot pen. 
  • Location not working for Comprehensive Business report
  • Fix for rendering Business Alternatives Table
  • New portrait presale Booking Card with extra spacing
  • Warn/Error if exporting incorrect data from decimals to Xero

  • Resolve bug preventing the edit of a ledger that was created prior to Jun 9