2024.07.05 - P8 Product Release Notes

Happy NFY (new financial year). Another feature-packed release that focuses on AgentNous functionally & platform improvements.

Billing Documents

- Increase functionality around unit pricing outputs for multi-decimal values.
- Retained proceeds tooling to hold back settlement proceeds and apply to monies owed.
- Agent configured trading terms by Sale SubTypes.

Xero Sync - Increased warnings and user feedback for Xero synchronisation errors
- New tools for Credit Notes related to Retained Proceeds
- Improvements to system behavior for when a user is performing a reversal. 
eContracts - Updates to sending management for eContracts
MYOB - Increased functionality to work with MYOB Contact CardID's.
QuickCreate - New rapid data entry screen for Private Sales & Hooks Sales to support faster and more streamlined data entry.
Sale Locking - Improve Billing Agent access to manage non-compliance data fields when a sale is locked. 
Rule Books  - Improvements to Master Rule behaviour.
Reports & Outputs

- Make the Buyer XML by buyerway report available to Saleyard users.
- Business Summary Report date filter fixes.
- Optimisation of Saleyard Agent Sale Report. 

Brands - Add Brands to various data grid views.
Pens - Add permissions to "Auto-Pen Number" function for Pen lot creation feature. 
NLIS  - Improvements to NLIS sell functionally to prevent the Sell transaction from being re-submitted whilst we are awaiting confirmation from NLIS.
-NVD MBM uploads, Improve 'bad request' feedback warnings. 
Release Management - Improved tooling for release management notifications to users. 
Multi-Sale Reports - Expand the maximum date range on sum reports, allowing for data output of 12 months. 
Email Status' - Improved system representation of email delivery.
Mobility Improvements - Improvements to the Overview page for iOS & Android users.
Fargate - Shift data management to AWS Fargate services.