2024.10.02 - P10 Product Release Notes

Several significant updates to the AgentNous offering with numerous performance enhancements and features like bulk sending of statements. In the yards, the default PIC on a buyer's way will save users significant time!

  Billing Workflows
  • Remove the 'Actions' function from the Export tab, as it was not utilised.
  • A fix was applied to the Review stage 'Print' function.
  • A fix has been applied to the Ledger Entry table to address a crash caused by a blank Email Count value.
  • Optimisation to Billing Run loading & checking for changes.
  Rule Books
  • Uplift the wording on rule book filtering by sale subtypes.
  • Improvements to identifying and using Tax Types will now include the tax type as a variable when creating rule books, meaning that the rules do not need to be duplicated to handle the various tax statuses.
  • Improvements include showing users when a Rule has been customised from the master template. 
  Ledger Entries
  • Increase support of decimal values from 4 to 6 places, allowing for heightened accuracy when rounding values for billing. 

Over the subsequent two development releases, we focus on improving how our Sundries work. In this release, we have;

  • We added the GL & Tax Type for Sundry to the data entry form. 
  • A fix has been applied to the action of editing a business from the Sundries model - previously, editing a business would clear the selected Business from the form.
  • Performance optimisations for loading recent reports. On initial loading, additional filtering has been added to load only reports within the last 90 days. 
  • The default loading of the initial selector tool is to the default One Report mode.
  • Improvements to filtering for 'Last X Days' and 'Last 24 Hours'
  Financial Statements
  • Handle statements that have no transactions within a selected date range.
  • Bulk Sending of statements!
    From the Reports page, users can now select many statements and choose who to send them to based on the Contact type. Tracking and feedback are provided to the user during the sending process. 
  Tax Invoices & RCTIs
  • A new field for custom text on billing documents has been added to the Agency Settings area. This field is configurable by document type. 
  • RCTI documents are updated to sell data by lot number when no Pen numbers are used. 
  • Fix for Google Chrome update for rendering documents with no data. 
  External Agent Sales
  • Removal of irrelevant data input fields ( Manual Vendor Numbering & Use of Registered Bidders) 
  Clearing Sales
  • Improvements to how we show when a Commission has been set that varies from the Sale default value. 
  • User Interface improvements address wrapping in eContract templates. 
  Accounting Integrations
  • Xero
    • Credit Notes - A correction has been made to the Xero posting of Credit Notes, explicitly addressing the retention of proceeds values where the Bill (RCTI value) should be allied for the 'Payout value', and now the Invoice Credit Note is created for the retained proceeds value. 
  •  MYOB
    • The billing export file for MYOB has now been updated to support the use of checkboxes. Users can now individually select (or Select All) transactions they wish to import.  
  YardNous & On Property Auctions:
  Buyer Ways

This release has extended the focus on the requests received regarding Destination PICs and the common attachment to Buyer Ways (Accounts).

  • A new modal has been created to prompt the user to save a PIC to the Buyer Way. The option is to remember this as a default for future sales. Where a business only has 1 PIC, it will automatically be set as the default. 
  • Add 'Split Lot' to the QuickSell feature within the Sale Lots table.
  • Support Multi-lot selling with varying pricing types or conflicting values when selling to a single buyer from a single Pen. 
  • VLE Saleyards only—A configurable update has been made to support QuickSell, which now adds an age selector between Description and Breed.
  Agent Outward Movement Report
  • AKA the 'Waybill,' the Outward Movement Report is used for animal transport. Previously, this document was only available to Buyers and Saleyard Operators; now, with this release, an Agent can produce the OMR for livestock they have sold. 
  Drover & Delivery Reports
  • Previously, these documents were only available to Saleyard Operators; now, with this release, Agents can produce Drover and Delivery Reports for livestock they have sold. 
  Cards (Report Tab)
  • Reinstated the 'Cards' report tab for On-Farm Auctions
  AgriNous Platform:
  User Management
  • Improvements to support the upgrade or downgrade of user access permissions without the need to delete and recreate the users.
  Platform Notifications
  • Improvements have been made to the System Message banner that appears at the top of the software when all user notifications are published.
  • Improvements to Release notification 'Toast' messaging - increasing deliverability reliability for all device users. 
  • Improvements to the NLIS Sell File that have pending rollbacks.
  • Updates have been made to optimise the NLIS Property Status enquiry action.
  Release Management
  • Increasing the rigger on a forced logout for significant releases with the 'Gold' toast message.