2024.12.19 P12 Release Notes

Our last release for 2024!

  • $/head Rebate Relationships: Users can now set a percentage OR a $/head rate on a relationship. 
  • Species & Sale Type Relationships: Users can now apply a relationship for a specific sale type/sub type/species. 
Billing Documents
  • Tax Invoice Payment Options: New functionallity for users to be able to choose which Payment Advices are displayed.
  • Footer Template V2: Transit Insurance information now displays on the bottom of Footer Template V2 if the client has transit insurance toggled on for that sale type.
  • Relationships & Transit Insurance Reports: These reports now display the transaction value for all clients as well as the insured value. Additional to this, the rounding on the totals column has been optimised.
Pens Screen
  • Users can now bulk select and bulk edit sale lots from the mobile pens screen.
  • Agents in AgriNous Saleyards can now access the NVD Upload/MBM functionality.