Our software is developed using state-of-the-art cloud-based technologies with offline capabilities; we only require a modern web browser to get you up and running. Because of our investment in technology, your office/site is no longer burdened by ever-increasing IT hardware costs.
PC/Mac: Desktop access and sales processing can be fulfilled on Windows XP/iOS and newer. We recommend running the latest version of Google Chrome web browser.
Android Devices (for Scanning): Any Android device running Android 7 (Android N) can run the AgriNous Hub (used for Bluetooth connectivity for printing & scanning), On Android devices, we recommend running the latest version of Google Chrome.
Recommended Device: Samsung Tab Active 4 Pro 5G
iOS (Apple) Devices: Download the app here - https://apps.apple.com/au/app/agrinous/id6470431022
RFID Scanners: For Android users, we support real-time (life) scanning for all the major industry devices. You are required to have an Android device running the AgriNous Hub (see above). Scanner imports are supported for the Shearwell SDL-440 “Stick Reader”.
For iOS scanning please refer to our iOS Supported Devices page
Weighbridge/s & Panel Readers: Via a Windows-based PC and using our Windows Hub connector we can communicate with all leading weighbridge indicators & EID Panel Readers.
Auto-drafting: We support single weigh / auto-drafting functionality for pre and post-weight selling. Our software is currently limited to working with Thompson Longhorn hardware driven by an Allen-Bradley PLC.