Add or Edit a Contact's General information relating to Names, Code mapping, Participant Role and Control toggles.
Click on the Contacts icon to open the Contacts grid and view all the businesses associated with your Agency.
Click on the View/Edit icon on the right-hand end of the row containing the Contact you wish to Edit
The View/Edit Business screen will open displaying the General information, add or edit as required
Name - Usually a Contacts Trading Name
Public Display Name - Usually a Stud or Property Name to be displayed on Market Reports and Pen Placards
Agent Reference - Contact Code used in Agents software
Saleyard Reference - Contact Code used in Saleyard software
A+ Reference - Auctions + User ID
Active toggle - Click to change to Inactive (and hide from view)
Vendor toggle - When set, allows Contact to act as a Vendor
Transporter toggle - When set, allows a Contact to act as a Transporter
Buyer toggle - When set, allows a Contact to act as a Buyer
Top Buyer Sheep - Adds a button for a Contact to the Auction screen in Sheep Sales
Top Buyer Cattle - Adds a button for a Contact to the Auction screen in Cattle Sales
Published - When set, a Contacts name will be used in Market Reports
Meat Processor - When set, this gives the Saleyard admin ability to transfer to NLIS before the rest of the sale