Working within Multi Sales or Roles

Opening Numerous Roles or Sales at the same time in the one browser.

Is it safe to open multiple sales in different tabs of the same browser?

In short, it's possible, but not recommended. Here's why:

  • Conflicting Data: Cloud-based systems create secure sessions for each sale you open. Using multiple tabs in the same browser shares this session. This can lead to data confusion, especially if you switch between sales or roles. Updates from other devices might also be missed.

  • Separate Sessions, Separate Browsers: The solution is to use different web browsers for each sale or role. This creates independent sessions that won't interfere with each other. Popular options include Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox (all free to download).

Here's how it can work for you:

  • Open the sheep sale in one browser and the cattle sale in another.
  • Use one browser for your livestock agent role and another for your business user role.

By keeping separate sessions, you ensure your data remains accurate and up-to-date.