Products setup

You can easily update and create new products from your Agrinous settings. Product import codes, description and sale rounds are completely customisable to best suit your team.


  1. Navigate to Settings from the side menu.
  2. Click on Products.
  3. Select between Sheep, Cattle, Clearing Sale, Pig, Horse, Goat or Dog
  4. To edit or create a new product click on any input field to enter information (e.g. Import Code).
  5. Import Code: Alias product code used in accounting system (AGENTS ONLY)
    Saleyard Import Code: Alias product code used in accounting system (SALEYARDS ONLY)
    Quick Code: Abbreviated term used to describe the product
    Description: Full name used to describe the product
    Round(s): Set parameters around products availability (Leave blank for no sale round parameters)
    Age: Used to best describe the age of the product (Select from available options)
    Sex: Used to best describe the sex of the product (Select from available options)
    Breed: Used to best describe the breed of the product (Leave blank to select later...)
    Quick Select Code: Abbreviated term used to describe the product
    Auction ☐: Tick the box to turn on a quick select button for the product in Auctions
    Hooks ☐: Tick the box to turn on a quick select button for the product in Hooks
    Paddock ☐: Tick the box to turn on a quick select button for the product in Paddocks
  6. To change the order of products click and drag the dotted grid icon to your position. Release the cursor to apply.
  7. Once you're done with your changes click Save.