You can easily update and create new products from your Agrinous settings. Product import codes, description and sale rounds are completely customisable to best suit your team.
- Navigate to Settings from the side menu.
- Click on Products.
- Select between Sheep, Cattle, Clearing Sale, Pig, Horse, Goat or Dog
- To edit or create a new product click on any input field to enter information (e.g. Import Code).
- Import Code: Alias product code used in accounting system (AGENTS ONLY)
Saleyard Import Code: Alias product code used in accounting system (SALEYARDS ONLY)
Quick Code: Abbreviated term used to describe the product
Description: Full name used to describe the product
Round(s): Set parameters around products availability (Leave blank for no sale round parameters)
Age: Used to best describe the age of the product (Select from available options)
Sex: Used to best describe the sex of the product (Select from available options)
Breed: Used to best describe the breed of the product (Leave blank to select later...)
Quick Select Code: Abbreviated term used to describe the product
Auction ☐: Tick the box to turn on a quick select button for the product in Auctions
Hooks ☐: Tick the box to turn on a quick select button for the product in Hooks
Paddock ☐: Tick the box to turn on a quick select button for the product in Paddocks
Delete: - To change the order of products click and drag the dotted grid icon to your position. Release the cursor to apply.
- Once you're done with your changes click Save.